Library 流通政策

The following policies govern (1) the circulation of materials in the John T. 基督教的图书馆 and the Martin Music Library and (2) the facilities in general so as to respect all patrons.  If you are a new NOBTS student, you must register with the library separately as the library system is not connected with any other campus system.  Also, it is only by registering with the library that you gain access to e-book collections.

馆际互借(ILL) /文件派递服务 (see item VI, "Services Available") is for NOBTS students and faculty, whether at the main campus or any of the extension centers.

I. 谁可以借阅材料?

  1. Registered students, faculty, and staff of the seminary - with seminary ID
  2. Registered users as per the LOUIS agreement - with appropriate card
  3. Registered users from other schools as per individual agreements.
  4. 注册校友.

Patrons in categories 2, 3, and 4 are limited to 5 items.

II. What materials can be checked out?

  1. 一般集合:
    1. Audio and video recordings (ONLY seminary patrons)
  2. 音乐收藏:
    1. 分数
    2. Compact Discs (ONLY seminary patrons)

Music materials should be returned to Martin Music Library.

3. For how long may materials be checked out?

  1. 书籍和乐谱
    1. Doctoral students -- 60 days; possible 60 day renewal
    2. All others -- 21 days; possible 21 day renewal
  2. Audio and video recordings (regular & 音乐)——7天
  3. Reserves vary in time from "In house use only" to one month
  4. There is a limit to the number of items students may have checked out at one time:
    a. Doctoral students = 60 items
    b. 硕士生= 30项
    c. Undergraduate students = 15 items
    d. 非宝盈APP登录= 5项

Only NOBTS students and faculty may check out reserves.

IV. 罚款

  1. 书, scores, audio and video -- $.每天每件20美元
  2. 储备:
    a.     每日——5美元.每天每件100美元
    b.     每小时——1美元.00 /小时

V. 暂停特权

A patron's privileges may be suspended if:
     1.  Items are more than 21 days late
     2.  未缴罚款20美元或以上

VI. 食物 & 饮料

     1.  食物 and beverages are allowed only in the designated areas -- lobby,
          Curriculum Lab, and Missions room.
     2.  If you are in other areas, please keep bottles, mugs, and other items in your bags.

7.  使用手机

     1.  Please turn cell phones on vibrate when studying in the library so that ringing does
          not disturb others trying to study.
     2.  If you need to take a call or place a call, please go to one of the public areas like 
          the lobby, Curriculum Lab, Missions room, or family reading room so as to

8.  请注意 ... 

     1.  Public areas (the lobby, Curriculum Lab, Missions room, or family reading room) are
          where noise is expected, but there are limits as to how loud they should be.
     2.  While some areas are considered "quiet areas" (reference room, book stacks), we
          realize that some talking needs to be done for study groups, instructing patrons and
          回答问题.  请注意 of others studying and keep noise to a

VI.  可用的服务

Certain services are available only to NOBTS students and faculty :
     1.  数据库
     2.  馆际互借 (ILL) / Document Delivery
           If NOBTS libraries do not have materials you need, you may request to borrow these
               materials from other libraries through the ILL office.  如欲了解有关
               requesting materials, click here => I.L.L.
     3.  Doctoral Study Carrels -- ReDoc, DMA, and EdD students desiring a study carrel should
          see the reference librarian for information and access.
          a.  Study carrels are available (limited number) to PhD, DMA, EdD, and ThM students
          b.  Personal items may be kept in carrels, but the library assumes no responsibility for
               items and makes no guarantees for their security
          c.  Nothing may be attached to the carrel's exterior or permanently affixed to the carrel
              (i.e., anchors, padded adhesives, etc.)
          d.  Problems with carrel lights and power should be reported to the library circulation desk
          e.  Reference items and periodicals may not be kept in carrels; they can be used there
          f.  Circulating items may not be kept in carrels unless they are checked out
          g.  The library reserves the right to periodically go through carrels to make sure all policies

Other services, such as wireless internet, are available to all patrons.
